

“Dejan Savic had engaged not only his youthful enthusiasm but his obviously great knowledge too, facing the challenge which the Beethoven’s Fifth claims to every conductor.”
(“Politika”, Beograd)

“...clear and lucid in every single moment, with light gestures of his trusty hands, assertive rythmic nerve; playing his instrument, the Orchestra, with authority.”
(“Vecernje novosti”, Beograd)

,,That night, the conductor was mr. Savic...and we were impressed, very, very impressed. He went through all the temptations with strength, musicality and sureness, holding the performance firmly in his brave hands...''
(,,Osam'', Beograd)

,,Due to an excellent conductor Dejan Savic, this performance was much more than an hommage to our famous baritone...the cooperation of the orchestra was never the less marvelous.''
(,,Borba'', Beograd)

,,Conductor Dejan Savic, insisting on the symphonic side of the verristic Puccini score of Tosca, directed the whole ensemble with his impressive gestures, insisting on the well defined sound of the orchestra, underlying the dramatic expression of all the actors on the stage.''
(,,Dnevnik'', Novi Sad)

,,Interpretation of the orchestra, convincing and of a high quality in sound, subtle in piano, imposing and refining at the moments of strong but well prepared gradations, was above all the expectations. No doubt that the overall positive artisric achievments was reached thanks to conductor Dejan Savic...''
(,,Politika express'', Beograd)

,,Under the batton of maestro Dejan Savic, the orchestra reached some highest world standards.''
(,,Nasa borba'', Beograd)

,,...and, finaly, thanks to our new, young and able conductor Dejan Savic, we had a feeling that we are sitting in some west european concert hall, enjoying the beautyfull sound of music, which we never heard from our City Symphony Orchestra before.''
(,,Narodne novine'', Nis)

,,Mr Savic was entering deeper and deeper in to the music material, getting its best both from the singers and from the Orchestra.""
(,,Danas"", Beograd)

“Perfect orchestra perfromance is in full coordination with the soloists, thanks to the conductor Dejan Savic.”
(“Vreme”, Beograd)

“Maestro Savic presented his high sensitivity and ability of accompanying soloists.”
(“Vecernji list”, Zagreb)

''Performing for the first time in our city, Dejan Savic used his chance to conquere his audience in the best way.''
(,,Vjesnik'', Zagreb)

“...homogenous in sound, with perfect tune under superb leadership of Mr Dejan Savic.”
(“Il Tempo”, Pescara, Italy)

“The Belgrade ensemble conducted by his young and excellent maestro Dejan Savic was the best.”
(“Maariv”, Tel Aviv, Israel)

“The marvellous conductor Dejan Savic created very fine sound leading brilliantly the soloists and the Orchestra.”
(“Eleftherotipia”, Athens, Greece)

“Not a blood and guts approach, sprightliness and grace are rarely absent under conductor Dejan Savic’s deft guiding hand.”
(“Sunday Times”, Dublin, Ireland)

“Like Charles Edward’s provocative lightning–which, even with some obvious failures, is among the most striking conceptions seen in an opera at the Gaiety–the Yugoslav conductor Dejan Savic offers illuminations from fresh perspectives. In a well-paced reading, he achieves from the members of the RTECO a richness and warmth that’s not easy to secure in this theatre.”
(“Irish Times”, Dublin, Ireland)

“The strength of this production was its sense of purpose, its single-mindedness and its coherence. And the dramatic force was underlined by the tremendous performance of the RTE concert orchestra conducted by Dejan Savic.”
(“Irish News”, Dublin, Ireland)

“Fortunately what one hears is much closer to Verdi’s ideal. Dejan Savic conducts with sensitive feeling and exacts the music’s dramatic centre with powerful punch.”
(“Evening Press”, Dublin, Ireland)

“The melodies flow, with wonderful orchestral playing from the RTE Concert Orchestra (leader Michael D’Arcy), conducted by Dejan Savic with musical and emotional accord, swinging the dynamics with flow and control, always sympathetic to the singers, and to the DGOS chorus (Master Philipe White), whose impact was quintessentially Verdian.”
(“Cork Examiner”, Dublin, Ireland)

“Add to this a talented Serbian conductor Dejan Savic, who extracts the very best from singers and orchestra and who shows he knows the worth of latter day Verdian research, and you have a blood and guts Il Trovatore that leaves you praying that civil war will never come our way.”
(“New Letter”, Belfast, Ireland)

“We remeber well our tonight’s guest Dejan Savic who two seasons before produced a strong and unforgettable impression conducting the BNR Symphony Orchestra.”
(“Trud”, Sofia, Bulgaria)

,,Dejan Savic conducted the performance of Il Barbiere with temperament, shaping precisely the sound of the Orchestra of the Greek National Opera, inspired by the clear approach of the conductor.''
(,,Eleftheros tipos'', Athens, Greece)

,,Well achieving rythmically precise sound of the Orchestra for Il Barbiere, conductor Dejan Savic enabled the singers to express themselves completely and beautyfully''.
(,,Eleftheri ora'', Athens, Greece)

,,Finaly, we met an outstanding Yugoslav conductor Dejan Savic, performing Rossini's Il Barbiere at the end of the season in the Greek National Opera.''
(,,Diphono'', Athens, Greece)

,,For sure, maestro Savic deserves all the compliments he gained for the brilliant musical leadership of this complicated performance of La Cenerentola.''
(,,Argument'', Beograd)

,,Dejan Savic led the spactacle of La Cenerentola with strong and suggestive gesture, being precisefull and sensitive in every moment of the opening night.''
(,,Svet'', Beograd)

"Under vivid and fierce conducting by Dejan Savic, Principal Conductor of the Belgrade Opera, Orchestra of the National Conservatory from Strasbourg played enthusiastically in a singing mood, taking part in the rich and attractive youthful musical fiest."
("L'Alsace", Mulhouse, France)

"Orchestra of the National Conservatory from Strasbourg, under the batton of Dejan Savic, thanks to his diverse kind of conducting, demonstrated to be predestined for such grateful performance."
("Offenbuerger Tageblatt", Offenburg/"Kehler Zeitung", Kehl, Germany)

"Interpretation by Dejan Savic was clear, emphasizing divine themes and melodies while Orchestra of the National Conservatory from Strasbourg followed him beautifully."
("Les affiches moniteurs", Strasbourg, France)

"Selection of voices and well done distribution contributed to the excellent quality of the performance...also thanks to the Orchestra of the National Conservatory from Strasbourg under the batton of Dejan Savic."
("Hebdoscope", Mulhouse, France)

"Humperdinck's music, conducted by Dejan Savic...had its intended continuation, well presenting traditional melodies well known to the listeners belonging to the German cultural region...while in the pit the orchestra of the National Conservatory from Strasbourg was dedicated to its task with responsability and clear mind."
("DNA Region", Muhouse, France)

"Dejan Savic conducted the Orchestra of the National Conservatory from Strasbourg, which was playing precisely and transparent in sound."
("Badische Zeitung", Offenburg, Germany)

"Orchestra of the National Conservatory from Strasbourg and young soloists, under guidance of Dejan Savic, successfully introduced the popular music of this opera (Humperdinck, Hansel und Gretel) to the audience."
("DNA Colmar", Colmar, France)

"It was obvious that this perfectly selected program was not accedently chosen by the conductor...Dejan Savic was leading the Chamber Orchestra of the Romanian Radio in a very expressive way, and they did follow, feeling very safe in his hands."
("Adevarul", Bucharest, Romania)

"The Orchestra of the Beograd National Opera, under the batton of its leading Maestro Dejan Savic, with joyfull sounding brought the sonority to this production...always with an eye on the stage, formed the unique and ultimate musical contribution."
("L'Opera", Roma, Italia)

“The leader was the young Serbian conductor Dejan Savic, who completely respected the real artistic values of Verdi’s score, underlining mostly his creative expression.”
(“Makedonija denes”, Skopje, Macedonia)

“Maestro Savic left an excellent impression, above all with his perfectionism. With an extraordinary precision he coordinated the soloists and the orchestra, never leaving something without his control, and yet at the same time presenting his profound feeling for a valuable vocal and instrumental interpretation.”
(“Nova Makedonija”, Skopje, Macedonia)

" Conductor of the excellent Orchestra of the Opera of Beograd, Yugoslav Dejan Savic, supported the acoustical aspects of the opera "Fidelio", as well as being faithful to the historical background of the theme of the opera and the "heroic" tone of the music. Also, his symphonic approach towards this Beethovens' masterpiece appeared to be the right one in every sense. The result? A continuing delightful musical result with an outstanding finale."
("Eleftherotypia", Thessaloniki, Greece)

“We must note the fine batton of Mo Dejan Savic, leading the Symphony Orchestra of Mulhouse in a great form. Magnificent production...”
(“Cyber Classique”, Paris, France)

“The orchestra under Dejan Savic...perfomed with warmth and very well balanced tone.”
(“KulturJocker”, Karlsruhe, Germany)

“It was Dejan Savic leading the Orchestra of Mulhouse, who conducted this beautyful score, presenting all its accents, the rythms of valces, eccosaises and its lyric.”
(“Les Affiches – Moniteur”, Strasbourg, France)

“The conductor from Beograd, Mo Dejan Savic, allowed the Mulhouse Symphony Orchestra members playing very softly, on the other hand strongly and dramaticly engaged, when necesarry.”
(“Mittelbadische Press”, Karlsruhe, Germany)

“From the conductor’s stand, Dejan Savic provided the perfomance of the Mulhouse Symphony Orchestra which entered all the subtleties of Chaikowski’s music. This Onegin was something to admire. The rare joy in Opera National du Rhin!”
(“DNA”, Strasbourg, France)

“From the pit, the Mulhouse Symphony Orchestra under the batton of Mo Dejan Savic was positively occupied by making “the sentimental aspect” of the performance. The effect was sweetness of the melodic elegy, supporting the superiority of the emotions during the piece. This was a choice which could frustrate the amateurs, but which, having in mind what was going on the stage, served in obtaining of delicacy and freshness of a rarely subtle score.”
(“L’Alsace”, Strasbourg, France)

“The team of the soloists, choir and orhestra were impressivly led by the Beograd conductor Dejan Savic. His truly knowledge and recognition of Rossini’s style completely transformed the Orchestra of the Sofia National Opera, which performed with great enthusiasm.”
(“Duma”, Sofia, Bulgaria)

“L’Orchestra Internazionale d’Italia, great as usual, this time was conducted by Dejan Savic, who, with his fresh tempis, underlined all the psychological drama in the piece…add to his his support to hear “our” Choir in perfect edition of the most demanding role till now.”
(“Il Messagero”, Ascoli Piceno, Italia)

“…coro del Teatro Ventidio Basso and L’Orchestra Internazionale d’Italia, conducted vigorously by Dejan Savic.”
(“Corriere Adriatico”, Ascoli Piceno, Italia)

“In addition to…central and very capable soloists, the event was led by an excellent conductor Dejan Savic from Beograd.”
(“Hamar og Hedmarken”, Hamar, Norway)

“The conductor was Dejan Savic and the soloists…this evening will be remembered, in forthcoming years people will stil talk about this magnificent event in the Cathedral of Hamar.”
(“Hamar Arbeiderblad”, Hamar, Norway)

“The full audience gave a big hand to perfect soloists…Orchestra Filarmonica Salernitana Giuseppe Verdi, City Choir from Bitonto. all under a batton of Mo Dejan Savic.”
(“La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno”, Potenza, Italy)

“Perfect performance of the Orchestra Filarmonica Salernitana Giuseppe Verdi and City Choir from Bitonto, due to Maestro Concertatore Dejan Savic.”
(“Il Quotidiano delle Basilicata”, Potenza, Italy)

“Very solid musical leadership was provided the first night by Dejan Savic.”
(“Der Neue Marker”, Vienna, Austria)

“Last but not the least, good Festival Chorus in Gars am Kamp, on high level The Brno Symphoniker both under Dejan Savic’ batton.”
(“Kurier”, Vienna, Austria)

“Dejan Savic offered with The Brno Symphoniker one often wide and strong Verdi – sound…addjusted to the Open-Air space. However, in the Lyric parts (the Nile Scene) he presented rather sensible moments.”
(“Kronen Zeitung”, Vienna, Austria)

“Dejan Savic, the Chief of the Beograd Opera, was fully responsible for the fine and precisefull sound of the Brno Symphoniker.”
(“Neues Volksblatt”, Vienna, Austria)

“Internationaly renown artists and the Brno Symphoniker with the conductor Dejan Savic excited the audience.”
(“Bezirksblatt”, Horn, Austria)